Publications and Patents

Papers Published in Refereed

1. “Some Reactions of Cyclobutyl Carbinyl
Radical Intermediates”, D.C. Neckers, J.E. Hardy, and A.P. Schaap, J.
Org. Chem.
, 31, 622(1966).

2. “Reactions of α-Hydroxybenzyl Free Radicals.
III. Processes for α-Hydroxy-cyclopropyl-carbinyl Radical Formation”, D.C.
Neckers, A.P. Schaap,and J. Hardy, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 88,

3. “Shock Tube Study of Carbon Disulfide
Oxidation”, J. Hardy and W.C. Gardiner,Jr., Sixteenth Symposium
(International) on Combustion
, 985, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh(1977).

4. “Recombination of Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen
Atoms”, J.E. Hardy, W.C. Gardiner, Jr., and A. Burcat, Int. J.
Chem. Kin.
, 10, 503(1978).

5. “The Exxon Thermal DeNOx
Process”, R.K. Lyon, H.J. Freund, J.E. Hardy, M. Tomsho, G. Varga, L.
Muzio, J. Robinson, and B. Ruterbories, Third Intl. Conf. on Control of
Sulfur and Other Gaseous Emissions
, University of Salford, England (April

6. “Isothermal Quenching of the Oxidation of
CO”, J.E. Hardy and R.K. Lyon, Combust. Flame, 39,

7. “Influence of Inert Gas Pressure on the
Kinetics of Wet CO Oxidation”, R.K.Lyon and J.E. Hardy, Combust. Flame,
45, 209(1982).

8. “Technique for Measuring the Total
Concentration of Gaseous Fixed Nitrogen Species”, J.E. Hardy and J.J.
Knarr, J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 32, 376(1982).

9. “Kinetics and Mechanism of NH3
Oxidation”, R.K. Lyon, A.M. Dean and J.E.Hardy, Nineteenth Symp.
(Intl.) on Combust.
, 97, The Combustion Institute,Pittsburgh (1983).

10. “The Combustion of Spent
Shale and Other Nitrogenous Chars”, J.E. Hardy and R.K. Lyon, Combust.
, 51, 105(1983).

11. “The Oxidation Kinetics of
Wet CO in Trace Concentrations”, R.K. Lyon, J.E.Hardy and W. VonHolt, Combust.
, 61, 79?86.

12. The Domino Theory of Steam
Gasification of Spent Shale”, R.K. Lyon, J.E.Hardy and R.C. Stell, Fuel,
64, 714?6(1985).

13. “Discovery and Development
of the Thermal DeNOx Process”, R.K. Lyon and J.E. Hardy, I&EC
, 25, 19?24(1986).

14. “A Quantitative Model of
the Thermal DeNOx Process”, A.M. Dean, A.J. DeGregoria, J.E.
Hardy, B.E. Hurst, and R.K. Lyon, Manuscript in prepara­tion.

15. “Oxidation Kinetics of NH3
in Trace Concentration”, R.K. Lyon, A.M.Dean, J.E. Hardy, and J.W. Bozzelli,
Manuscript in preparation.

16. “Kinetics of CH4
Oxidation at High Pressure and Low Temperature”, R.K.Lyon and J.E. Hardy,
Manuscript in preparation.

17. “Reduction of NO by
Partially Burned Spent Shale”, R.K. Lyon and J.E. Hardy, Manuscript in


1. “Improved Process and Apparatus for Measuring
Total Fixed Gaseous Nitrogen Species”, J.E. Hardy and J.J. Knarr. (Filed
13 March 1981) Issued 8 June 1982 as 4,333,735.

2. “Noncatalytic Method for Reducing the
Concentration of NO in Combustion Effluents by Injection of Ammonia at
Temperature Greater than about 1300K”, A.M.
Dean, A.J. DeGregoria, J.E. Hardy, B.E. Hurst, and R.K. Lyon. (Filed in 1983)
Issued 26 March 1985 as 4,507,269.

3. “Use of Spent Oil Shale for Reducing NOx
in Combustion Effluent Streams”, J.E. Hardy and R.K. Lyon. U.S.
532371  (Filed in 1983, not

4. “Noncatalytic Method for Reducing the
Concentration of NO in Combustion Effluents by Injection of Ammonia at
Temperatures Greater than about 1300 K”,A.M. Dean, A.J. DeGregoria, J.E.
Hardy, B.E. Hurst, and R.K. Lyon. (Filed
3/85)Issued 25 November 1986 as 4,624,840.

5. “Noncatalytic Method for Reducing the
Concentration of NO in Combustion Effluents by Injection of Ammonia at
Temperatures from about 975 K to 1300 K”,A.M. Dean, A.J. DeGregoria, J.E.
Hardy, B.E. Hurst, and R.K. Lyon. (Filed 3/85)Issued 13 January 1987 as

6. “Noncatalytic Method for Reducing the NO
Emissions of Gas Turbines”, A.M.Dean, A.J. DeGregoria, J.E. Hardy, and
R.K. Lyon. (Filed 3/85) Issued 28 July 1987 as 4,682,468.

Contributed Lectures

1. “Shock Tube Study of Carbon Disulfide
Oxidation”, J. Hardy and W.C. Gardiner,Jr., Sixteenth Symp. (Intl.) on
Combust. (M.I.T., August 1976).

2. “A Flow Reactor Study of the Ammonia?Oxygen
Reaction”, R.K. Lyon, J.E.Hardy, and D.J. Benn, Western States Section,
The Combustion Insti­tute, Fall Mtg. (1978).

3. “The Exxon Thermal DeNOx
Process”, R.K. Lyon, H.J. Freund, J.E. Hardy,M. Tomsho, G. Varga, L.
Muzio, J. Robinson, and B. Ruterbories, Third Intl. Conf. on Control of Sulfur
and other Gaseous Emissions, Univer­sity of Salford, England (April 1979).

4. “Speed and Convenience in Computer Programs
for Modelling Chemical Kinetics in a One?Dimensional Reactor System”, J.E.
Hardy, Summer Comput­er Simulation Conference (1979).

5. “Technique for Measuring the Total
Concentration of Gaseous Fixed Nitrogen Species”, J.E. Hardy and J.J.
Knarr, Symposium on Advanced Instru­men­tation for Analysis of Combustion
Products, A.C.S. Mtg. (Houston, March 1980).

6. “Complications in the Rate of Wet CO
Oxidation”, R.K. Lyon and J.E. Hardy, 73rd Annual AIChE Mtg, Chicago, Illinois
(November, 1980).

7. “Mechanism of Ammonia Oxidation”, A.M.
Dean, J.E. Hardy, and R.K. Lyon, 15th Intl. Symp. on Free Radicals, Nova Scotia (June

8. “A Mechanistic Analysis of the Thermal DeNOx
Reaction”, A.M. Dean,A.J. DeGregoria, J.E. Hardy, and R.K. Lyon, Seventh
Intl. Symp. on Gas Kinet­ics, Göttingen (August, 1982).

9. “Mechanism of Ammonia Oxidation”, J.E.
Hardy, A.M. Dean, and R.K. Lyon, Eastern States Section ? The Combustion
Institute, Fall Meeting, Pitts­burgh
(October 1981).

10. “A Mechanistic Analysis of
the Thermal DeNOx Reaction”, A.M. Dean, A.J.DeGregoria, J.E.
Hardy, and R.K. Lyon, 183rd Natl. ACS Mtg., Las Vegas (March 1982).

11. “Kinetics and Mechanism of
NH3 Oxidation”, R.K. Lyon, A.M. Dean, and J.E.Hardy, 19th Symp.
(Intl.) on Combust., Israel (August 1982).

12. “Oxidation Kinetics of Fuel
in Trace Concentrations”, J.E. Hardy and R.K.Lyon, 20th Symp. (Intl.) on
Combust. ? Poster Session, Ann Arbor
(August 1984).

Company Reports

Over 25 Company reports in fields of computer modelling; NOx
reduction; coal gasification and combustion; soot formation; oil shale particle
degrada­tion, gasification, combustion, and NOx formation; Chemical
vapor deposi­tion of organosilanes; hydrocarbon oxidation; zeolite catalysis;
and corro­sion.

Computer Modelling Studies of NH3?NO?O2
Reaction, CRL.11BO.77, J.E.Hardy, R.K. Lyon, and W. Levy.

Effects of Nonreagent Gases on the
Thermal DeNOx Process, CR.5BO.79, J.E.Hardy.

Thermal DeNOx on Coal
Combustion Exhaust Gases, CR.6BO.79, R.K. Lyon, H.J.Freund, and J.E. Hardy.

The Oxidation of NH3 in
Conjunction with Trace Amounts of CO, CR.3BO.80,J.E. Hardy and R.K. Lyon.

Recommendations for Research in Coal
Gasification: A Study Group Re­port, CR.2KY.80, D.J. Dwyer, J.E. Hardy, and
L.E. McCandlish.

An Analysis of Research
Opportunities in the Area of PNA’s/Soot Combustion and Control, CR.4EB.81, J.E.

Development of a Global Kinetic
Model for the Thermal DeNOx Pro­cess, CR.9EB.81, J.E. Hardy.       [1981]

Particle Degradation in Oil Shale Processing, CR.12EB.82,
J.E. Hardy.       [1982]

The Production of NOx
During Spent Shale Combustion, CR.10EB.81, R.K.Lyon and J.E. Hardy.       [1981]

The Domino Theory of Steam
Gasification of Spent Shale, CR.1BA.81, R.K. Lyon and J.E. Hardy.       [1982]

NOx from the Combustion
of Spent Shale. Part III. NOx Reduc­tion, CR.2BA.81, J.E. Hardy and
R.K. Lyon. [1982]

NOx from Spent Shale.
Part IV. Continuous Combustion and NOx Con­trol, CR.2KW.83, J.E.
Hardy and R.K. Lyon.        [1983]

Particle Degradation in Oil Shale
Processing. Part II. Shale Retort­ing, CR.4KW.83, J.E. Hardy and J.J. Knarr.       [1983]

Methane Oxidation at Low
Temperature, CR.14EB.84, J.E. Hardy and J.J.Knarr.     [1984]

A Research Proposal on the Mechanism
of Selectivity Enhancement in Catalysis by Zeolites, In Review (1986), J.E.
Hardy.       [1985]

An Experimental and Modelling Study
of the Kinetics of High Pressure Low Temperature Oxidation of CH4,
CR.2EB.86, R.K. Lyon, J.J. Knarr, and J.E.Hardy.