

scientist with expertise in

  • Electrochemistry
    at elevated temperature and pressure
  • OLI software for
    aqueous equilibria and corrosion
  • Instrumentation
    and electronics
  • Chemical
    kinetics, espe­cially at high temperature
  • Analysis of data
  • Design of
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Process

Professional Experience

Fellow Engineer, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Bechtel-Bettis,
Inc., West Mifflin,PA (1987-2009)

Developed and supervised
electrochemical research and testing on corrosion in nuclear systems.  The work included many reports and presen­tations
on novel electrochemical sensors and techniques, but cannot be released under Department
of Energy guidelines.

Staff Chemist (1981-1986), Senior Chemist (1980), Research Chemist (1977-79) Corporate
Research Science Labora­tories, Exxon Research and Engi­neering Compa­ny,Clinton Twp, NJ.

research in various fields of chemistry, as described below. Supervised staff
of 1-3 technicians and technologists.

  • Determined
    possibilities and limitations in the thermal con­ver­sion of methane to liquid
    fuels for a potential $100B resource.
  • Identified
    sources of dust emis­sions from processing oil shale and developed means for
    controlling them. Results incorporated
    into $40M per year project developing new pro­cess for retorting oil
  • Developed
    techniques for analyz­ing shape-selectivity in zeo­lite cataly­sis, including
    computer auto­mation of laboratory units.
    Work in progress had potential impact of over $12M/yr on at least one
    chemi­cal business.
  • Discovered new
    phenomena in well-studied system that explained why combustion in CO boilers is
    often incom­plete. Discoveries well
    received by scientific com­munity.
    Provided basis for rede­signing $5M in CO burning apparatus and has
    impact on other incin­era­tors.
  • Performed
    experiments and re­viewed literature to remove stum­bling block to application
    of pollu­tion control process to coal-fired combustors. Opened market for the technology estimated at
    $4M in licensing revenue.
  • Introduced
    organization to state-of-the-art kinetic modelling for the study of pollution
    control process. Using technique, co-developed
    accurate model for commercial development of the process, which now produces
    $1M per year in licensing revenue.
  • Developed
    technique for reliable measurement of fixed-nitrogen species. Supported
    development of model and commercialization of process that now yields $1M per
    year in licensing revenue. Com­mercial
    licensing of patent also foreseen.


1977: Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Texas.

1968 and 1972-1976:  University of Texas
at Austin.  Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry.  Specialized in chemical kinetics, supporting
work in applied mathematics. Advisor W.C. Gardiner, Jr.

1964-1968:  Hope College,
Holland, Michigan.
B.A. magna cum laude.  Chemistry major, Mathematics

Continuing: Corporate technical education programs. Graduate-level
courses in chemical engineering, combustion, and chemical reaction engineering.
Specialist courses in corrosion science.

Military Service (1969-1972): U.S. Army Security Agency

Electronics training
at Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
Served in Turkey and Germany – modifying
and maintaining digital communications equip­ment.  Awarded Army Commendation medal for work in Turkey. Honor­able
discharge 1975.

Professional Organizations

American Chemical
Society    The Combustion Institute    NACE    ASTM

Publications and Patents – See Link.